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To help create trails in Indiana



  1. Preserve corridor land

  2. Protect funds

  3. Enhance communities



To encourage Indiana to become a trail state via trail investments.



The Indiana Trails Fund is an Indiana 501(c)(3), a not for profit corporation, established in 1994 to acquire and holds trail corridor lands and funds for trail development.

  • Has been involved with 145 miles of trails

  • Has been involved with railbanking 100 miles of land by working with 6+ railbanking projects

  • Has been involved with organizing and incubating 6+ local trail groups actively fostering their own trails

  • Has established a permanent endowment in order for trail groups to buy, build, maintain, and improve corridor land and trails

  • Has no employees thus all donations go to trail building

  • Accepts donations for specific trails or Indiana trails in general depending upon the wishes of the donor

(317) 237-9348

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©2021 by Indiana Trails.

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